[본지단독] ETS completes a massive rebranding to focus on global expansion

ETS employs Code & Theory for an overhaul for their 75+ year image

Esther Baek 승인 2024.05.17 13:48 | 최종 수정 2024.05.17 14:02 의견 0
ETS' new branding image

ETS (Educational Testing Service), the world’s largest private educational measurement, research, and assessment organization, has gone through an overhaul in its branding image recently. The global rebranding was announced on their website, titled “ETS Debuts Bold New Global Rebrand, Expands Focus on Enabling Future Readiness” which was published on April 19th.

ETS is a globally recognized educational institution for its standardized exams such as TOEFL, TOEIC, GRE, and Praxis. The TOEFL and TOEIC exams are particularly well-known in non-English-speaking countries, as students from these regions often need to take them to demonstrate their English proficiency for college admissions abroad.

With this rebranding, the organization changed the entire look of its website and unveiled a revamped logo. The new logo comprises a new symbol that ETS has dubbed “The Source,” which shows a stylized asterisk shape with a diagonal line going through it. ETS explains in their announcement that this logo style was chosen to “symbolize that ETS is elevating its groundbreaking research from out of the footnotes… The upward diagonal slice symbolizes human progress, serving as a reminder of what ETS aims to achieve.”

ISN had the pleasure of conducting a short interview with Kristen Mitchell, Senior Manager for ETS’ Public Relations. “ETS has always been known for being the world’s largest private educational measurement, research, and assessment organization. This has not changed,” she stated. “What has changed is that we’re telling a new story that spans not only traditional education but workforce and beyond. Our customers and clients around the world have long engaged with us as an education provider, but in the last several years, education and the needs of learners have shifted dramatically, and we are shifting with it.”

She went on to assure that nothing about their internal operations or test offerings has changed, in regards to if the TOEFL and TOEIC exams will be affected by this rebranding. This should come as a relief to nervous students who are gearing up to take their exams as they prepare for college applications later this year.

ETS has also previously participated in the QS Global College Fair in Seoul, Korea. About a potential investment and expansion of ETS as an institution within South Korea, she said: “ETS consistently explores opportunities to expand our business through new partnerships and collaborations that enable us to make education and talent solutions available to more learners, organizations, and governments around the world.”

After ETS has developed a strong foothold within the UAE by establishing an HQ in Dubai, how they may interact with South Korea in the future remains to be seen.

It appears that ETS is now gearing towards expanding its brand through business deals, government partnerships, and increasing the diversity in the learners it serves. The rebranding is a very forward-thinking move while the educational landscape continues to shift, as Kristen Mitchell pointed out. As ETS undergoes this comprehensive transformation, the success of the new brand will be revealed over time.

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